Monday, July 23, 2007


There might exist some ei, ai,j, and ti,j values for which FASTEST-WAY produces li[j] values such that l1[j] = 2 and l2[j] = 1 for some station number j. Assuming that all transfer costs ti,j are nonnegative.

l1[j] = 2 说明 f1[j] = f2[j-1] + a1[j] + t2[j-1] 说明 f2[j-1] + a1[j] + t2[j-1] < f1[j-1] + a1[j],说明f2[j-1] + t2[j-1] < f1[j-1] ,(1)
l2[j] = 1 说明 f2[j] = f1[j-1] + a2[j] + t1[j-1] 说明 f1[j-1] + a2[j] + t1[j-1] < f2[j-1] + a2[j],说明
f1[j-1] + t1[j-1] < f2[j-1], (2)
(1) + (2) 得到:t2[j-1] + t1[j-1] < 0
但是ti,j are nonnegative,所以产生了矛盾.命题错误.


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